Although we as parents want what is best for our children, what works for one child may not work for another. Here are a few milk substitutes for babies with intolerance.
For infants below six months old
You can use a lactose-free formula for infants who are lactose intolerant. This includes any milk-based formula, such as one that uses corn syrup solids rather than lactose as a source of carbohydrates for calories. Numerous soy-protein formulae are good for lactose intolerant infants because they don’t include lactose. Before deciding on a formula, it is a good idea to consult your doctor.

Top three alternatives to replace lactose in your baby’s diet
1) Soy Protein Supplement
Soy protein formula, which uses soybeans as its main component, is frequently used instead of cow’s milk. The proportion of caretakers who employ such an option has suddenly increased over the years. Iron-fortified soy protein formula has ingredients that meet the baby’s nutrition standards for vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. Carnitine, taurine, and lactose-free carbohydrates are especially abundant in them.
2) Nut Milk
Almond, cashew, macadamia, coconut, and a host of other nut milk can be found on the supermarket shelves, as you may have already seen. While nut milk is a fantastic alternative for fully grown adults because it has significantly less fat, calories, protein, and carbohydrates, it falls short when giving your child the nutrients they need. If you choose nut milk, look for unsweetened varieties to avoid the excess sugar frequently added to these goods.
3) Extensively Hydrolysed Formula (EHF)
Doctors typically recommend extensively hydrolyzed formula (EHF) to newborns with a cow’s milk allergy. The EHF is primarily designed to use enzymes to break down the proteins in cow’s milk. Not all infants may, however, consume EHF. Infants who have trouble adjusting to EHF may be given formulas that are partly hydrolyzed or are based on amino acids.
Parents may experience at least a moment of anger and helplessness when they learn that their infant is lactose intolerant. In order to guarantee that their child’s diet is full of other foods that are good providers of calcium and protein, they must keep track of everything that their little one consumes.
However, you can always find a solution. A baby can develop perfectly normally without consuming any milk. All a mother needs to do is provide calcium and protein-rich foods to replace milk.