Those initial few weeks are a time of fast development for your baby’s digestive system. It’s hardly surprising that excrement, gas, and hiccups occupy most of the day. Hence, it can be challenging to determine what is and is not usually as a new parent.
Milk is supposed to be the ideal and sole diet for a newborn. But what if your baby doesn’t react well to milk? Don’t worry! Lactose intolerance, although uncommon among children, could be the reason.
Is it cow milk allergy or lactose intolerance?
Many people mistakenly believe that these issues are the same when they are not. It can be confounding because some of the symptoms they produce may be identical. Or it could be something else entirely. Your doctor will assist you in determining the situation.

Cow milk allergy
One of the most typical allergies among infants and young children is an intolerance to cow’s milk. If your kid does develop a cow’s milk allergy, it typically manifests itself when they first consume cow’s milk, whether through formula or later solid meals.
Babies that are nursed can occasionally, but not very frequently, develop this allergy. It happens because the newborn is exposed to cow’s milk through the mother’s breast milk.
Cows’ milk allergy symptoms
Signs in your infant could appear minutes after giving them cow’s milk or formula prepared from it. Other times, issues may not surface for several hours or even days.
There are many potential symptoms:
- Digestive issues, such as stomach pain, feeling ill, diarrhea, and constipation
- Skin problems such as red, itching rash, swollen lips, cheeks, and eye area
- Symptoms resembling hay fever include a runny or stuffy nose and eye irritation
- Eczema that is not improved by treatment
Lactose intolerance
Lactose intolerance is a distinct response your child could have to cow’s milk or formulas containing it. This occurs when their system cannot digest lactose, a natural sugar in milk.
A stomach illness or another ailment can cause infants and small children to develop temporary lactose intolerance.
Lactose intolerance symptoms
Some of the lactose intolerance signs resembling a cow’s milk allergy include:
- Gas and watery stool, particularly if your child consumes dairy
- Diarrhea with gas and water
- Sickness, gas, and bloating in the abdomen
- Recurrent colds and skin rashes
- Cramps and generalised pain in the abdomen
Is there a treatment for lactose intolerance?
Even though there is no known solution for this intestinal issue, simple dietary adjustments can significantly improve your child’s situation. If lactose-containing meals are going to be consumed, we advise lactose-intolerant kids to take an over-the-counter lactase enzyme medication to aid the discomfort. Nevertheless, if you eat a lot of lactose-containing products, this might not be of much use.
Taking care of a newborn who is lactose intolerant is sure to have an emotional impact on you. Keep in mind that you’re not alone and that you should take care of yourself.
Visit your doctor if your baby isn’t gaining weight, isn’t feeding well, or exhibits other signs that worry you. They can aid in identifying the issue and determining a solution.